Temperatures have dropped more than 40° below the average.

Power costs have soared from $4 / MWh to over $600 / MWh.

Most of the news we are seeing is coming from Texas for several reasons:

  1. Well, it is really cold; well below freezing for nearly 5 days.
  2. Texas is a power island. They have no connections outside of Texas so, other states cannot supply power for them.
  3. Texas’ energy infrastructure is not built for freezing temperatures. This results in water main breaks, gas pipes freezing, and power equipment not operating properly.

Outside of Texas the Polar Vortex will have economic impact but, electricity and gas are generally staying on.

If your power or heat is interrupted, CALL your local utility.

Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.

Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.

Additional Information: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/02/16/us/winter-storm-texas-power-outage-map.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage