Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Service Plans for Peoples Gas – Realgy Energy Services

Realgy Energy Services is a retail energy marketer providing natural gas and electricity services.

As of February 2025, Realgy’s ManagedPrice™ is $0.2250/kWh.

For a sample customer with the usage of 1,590 therms/Yr, the comparison of Realgy’s price to Peoples Gas service is +$17.76 over the last 34 months.

As of February 2025, Realgy’s ManagedPrice™ is -$0.0962/therm compared to Peoples Gas price.

Under Peoples Gas you have a choice for your energy purchase and we know that saving you money and providing you service is how we will earn your business. Our customer retention is over 93%.

Our Service Plan: ManagedPriceTM offers the advantage of locally priced gas, your choice to convert to fixed price, the benefits of storage gas (“Winter Gas at Summer Price”), personal Account Management, On-line information access and flexibility to move to any Service Plan to better meet your needs.

Peoples participated in creating Customer Select to ensure all their customers had the option of choosing a competitive gas supply. Realgy Energy Services is licensed as a Alternative Gas Supplier by the state of Illinois and the ICC (Illinois Commerce Commission). We are a member of the Better Business Bureau.

Enrollment is straight forward. Call with a copy of your latest bill at 877-300-6747.

You can be enrolled over the phone or complete our one-page agreement, your billing will continue with Peoples Gas while your natural gas and services listed below will be provided by Realgy Energy Services.

Enrollment with Realgy Energy Services includes the following services:
-Confirmation from Peoples Gas
-Enrollment into Realgy’s ManagedPrice™
No cost
-During Review Period or at Agreement Term
No cost
Review Period
-Right to cancel or rescind enrollment WITHOUT any cost or obligation
10 days after utility letter informs customer of the switch to Realgy Energy Services as the gas supplier

10 days after your first bill from Realgy

Agreement Term 24 months with a monthly reporting fee
Residential $3.75
Commercial $8.75
Price Comparison

A comparison of Realgy’s Service Plan, ManagedPriceTM as compared to the Peoples default service

Illinois Peoples Price Comparison February 2025
Renewal Renew for additional Term, letter sent providing at least 45 days to Cancel.
Early Termination No Early Termination Fee
Final Settlement will be included
Settlement and Balancing Settlement and Balancing is normal and customary to account for actual verse forecasted usage. Final settlement takes place when your account is transferred.

Final Settlement explanation.

Switching Service Plans
-Any available plan including the following:
ManagedPriceTM or Fixed Price or ManagedGreenTM
No cost
Enrollment in Storage Program No cost
Enrollment in PriceWatchTM No cost
Online access with RealgyOfficeTM No cost
Dedicated Account Broker No cost
ServiceMatchTM No Cost
Personal customer service 7:30AM-4:30PM EST M-F
Service Agreement Request your actual agreement

Standard ManagedPriceTM Agreement

Standard Illinois Uniform Disclosure Agreement

Distribution utility, State regulation and Market pricing
Distribution Utility Peoples Gas
Regulatory Body Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)
Regulatory Disclosure Realgy is an independent seller of electric power and energy service certified by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and Realgy is NOT representing, endorsed by, or acting on behalf of a utility or a utility program, a consumer group or consumer group program, or a governmental body or program of a governmental body. Realgy’s is not the same entity as your gas delivery company.

Realgy is not the same entity as your gas delivery company. You are not required to enroll with Realgy. The Peoples gas supply price to compare applicable to February 2025 is $0.3212/therm *. For more information go to the ICC’s free website at

Market Pricing Inputs US Energy Information Administration – Natural Gas Spot and Futures Prices (NYMEX)

Natural Gas Futures Prices (NYMEX) (

Natural Gas Futures – NYMEX

Natural Gas Futures Chart — NG Futures Quotes — TradingView

* The Peoples gas supply price was documented on 02/01/2025