How the House Tax Bill Would Impact Wind, Solar, Electric Vehicles and Utilities
Long term planning is what all businesses and countries seek right?
The U.S. passed laws to encourage the investment in renewable energy technology and innovation. Since then, companies, states and municipalities have invested $BILLIONs to achieve commercially available energy products, sustainable energy and reduced pollution/greenhouse gases. Renewable energy has been a top job producer.
The House Republicans and Senate have unveiled tax reform bills that would undermine this planning and progress. Proposed reforms would include:
- Curtail wind construction
- Stop long term investment in solar development
- Stop investment in electric vehicles
These 3 items represent the majority of jobs created in the electric energy industry over the last 8 years.
One addition was incentive for small wind turbines, fuel cells and geothermal. This is a good plan as none of these technologies are currently commercially viable. That will take a long-term plan. While the Republican tax reform gets finalized, look at what is done to the engines of job growth in the energy industry and for those that carry out long term planning.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
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