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Natural gas surges 14% as cold snap ahead is expected to boost demand
US natural gas futures surged 14% in early January 2022. This is on top of recent increases beginning in the fall of last year. In early October into November 2021 oil and natural gas prices surged.
Natural gas is a commodity purchased from suppliers (including utilities) at published prices. Typically, the price referenced is the NYMEX. All natural gas suppliers are impacted by the same cost increase. However, some suppliers such as utilities can delay the impact due to their regulatory price recovery. This can be understood when utilities do not share storage with their third-party suppliers. Natural gas in storage will not increase when the market price does. Those utilities can appear to have a lower price when in fact they just bought the gas during the summer and stored it. Michigan utilities operate like this; they do not provide their customer choosing a gas supplier with their share of storage volume. Therefore, the energy suppliers in Michigan cannot readily offer storage to their customer. Illinois utilities share their storage volumes equally between choice and tariff customers. Therefore, Illinois customer choice customers have nearly 20% of their winter gas purchased during the summer. Realgy calls this our Storage Program see Storage – Realgy Energy Services.
Natural gas pricing was not expected to rise significantly. However, Covid, weather, and consumer behaviors changed that forecast.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations. Currently we are in construction of our 8th project with the park district of Highland Park.
Additional Information:
How Will the Natural Gas Shortage Impact Fuel Dealers and Homeowners? – OILMAN Magazine
Natural gas surges 14% as cold snap ahead is expected to boost demand (cnbc.com)
Realgy Wins Award For 2020 Lowest Residential Electricity Rate in Illinois
Realgy Wins Award For 2020 Lowest Residential Electricity Rate in Illinois
Energy research group Find Energy highlights outstanding electricity companies throughout the country. They recently announced Realgy Energy Services won the coveted award for Lowest Residential Rate in Illinois for 2020.
Data compiled found Realgy’s average residential rate was more than 35% below the national average. Find Energy also reported Realgy’s residential customer bills are about 22% lower than the US average.
President Michael Vrtis says, “This is a testament to our operations team’s commitment to uphold competitive prices and our customer care team’s dedication to providing top service. We appreciate our community and their continued business allowing us to best serve the state of Illinois.”
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://findenergy.com/providers/realgy-energy-services/

Ameren Illinois, Nicor Gas customers should expect higher heating bills this winter
U.S. homeowners will see heating prices increase by as much as 54% according to the EIA. Ameren and Nicor are already warning Illinois customers to expect 30% higher bills. High demand, low supply, weather impacts, and natural gas inflation are forecast to cause commodity pricing to be the most expensive it’s been since 2008.
The utilities expect their cost to be 75% higher per therm this winter. If we have a milder winter, pricing impact should be lower. However, there are various ways to assist customers such as purchasing gas when it’s cheaper in the summer, energy savings tips, and payment and budget plans.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/ameren-illinois-nicor-gas-customers-should-expect-higher-heating-bills-this-winter/

Looking to save money through an alternative gas supplier?
The MPSC posted a press release today regarding the Michigan Choice Program. Realgy along with the MPSC recommends customers review contract terms when enrolling in a new program to fully understand agreement details. They offer tips on how to ensure clear understanding of alternate offers.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://www.michigan.gov/mpsc/0,9535,7-395-93307_93313_17280-568345–,00.html

US Approves 1st Major Offshore Wind Energy Project
The United States joined the rest of the world and issued final permits allowing for the development of large-scale offshore wind projects.
Large scale: 62 turbines standing 90 stories above the water with underground cables bringing electricity onshore to 400,000 homes. The turbines will be located about a mile off the coast of Massachusetts.
Wind power is the least costly energy power to build and the new turbines from General Electric are the largest available.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://www.npr.org/2021/05/11/995852356/biden-administration-approves-first-major-offshore-wind-energy-project

Tech giants are becoming green energy barons
Tech company advancements have increased dramatically, especially over the past year. With this progress, we have seen a rise in carbon emissions due to the thousands of devices these businesses use each day. Some centers are using enough to power 80,000 US homes. “The Financial Times (FT) stated that the combined power usage of Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple is more than 45 terawatt-hours a year, about as much as New Zealand”. To offset these numbers, tech giants have focused on developments such as wind and solar installations while also agreeing to clean energy deals. This has caused the corporate market for purchasing clean energy to grow exponentially and indicates we will see further growth continuously in the market.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://techhq.com/2021/02/tech-giants-are-becoming-green-energy-barons/

Tips to Lower Your Utilities This Winter
Here’s your bi-annual reminder to make some improvements around your home or business to save money on utility bills. Winter brings about colder weather for most of us North Americans and with that comes an increase in energy usage. There are more ways to conserve than just turning down the thermostat. You can seal any air leaks around windows and doors. Try to also keep them closed as much as possible to prevent losing the warm air created inside. Use the sun to your benefit by keeping curtains open to let the warm sunlight in but, keep them closed at night to reduce heat loss. Insulating your water heater and using your fireplace and oven will also be to your advantage. Among other tips, you can check out your utility’s website to find incentives and home assessments to see where you might be able to increase energy efficiency and savings .
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://ourcommunitynow.com/home-and-garden/start-a-winter-garden-to-keep-the-blues-away

Holiday Goals
Previously commended for safe practices, our sales agents have been excelling despite Covid-19 restrictions. The end of 2020 saw an increase in sales with our representatives exceeding their goals. Through an incentive program titled “Christmas Cookie”, targets were met by multiple team members. If the team member hit the target, they received a “cookie” in the form of a check. If they exceeded the target, they received an even bigger “cookie”. We had 2 recipients of the “Big Cookie” and 3 received the “Small Cookie” prizes. In true holiday spirit and to their surprise, all members received a small “cookie” for working a full schedule after the contest reached completion. A similar incentive was created for the week of New Year’s and we had the same outcome of agents reaching their targets. We are off to a good start in 2021 and wish everyone the same. Happy New Year!
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.

How Covid-19 Has Changed The Way Americans Use Energy
Among many discussions during Covid-19, energy is a common topic for businesses and households alike. We’ve seen many make the move to home offices and remote school, changing energy consumption and sales. During the 2nd quarter, usage decreased 4% overall in the US. Hospitals increased power consumption 600% while the industrial sector dropped 9% and the commercial sector dropped 11%. Certain areas such as Hawaii showed the biggest decrease in usage due to their large hospitality-based economy. We are constantly learning how to acclimate to changes and come up with innovative ideas. Huge offices empty for months are being converted into lab space as we have an increased need for research and testing. As we continue navigating this pandemic, energy use will continue evolving and adapting in new ways.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2020/10/28/the-coronavirus-uneven-effects-on-energy-use-in-america/#912b36241796