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Polar Vortex created record demand for natural gas

Written by Michael Vrtis, President of Realgy Energy Services in response to the USA Today articleArctic blasts create record demand for natural gas

The laws of supply and demand actually work; cold weather broke a 20-year record, energy consumption skyrocketed, and the prices went up.

Lake Michigan in Chicago, Illinois

Lake Michigan in Chicago, Illinois

How high?

The wholesale costs for January 2014 for deliveries into the Chicago market:

  • Natural gas went from about $4.40 to nearly $18.00
  • Electricity settled at over $0.750, where it is normally around $.035

Supply went up as the weather caused record energy demand and prices subsequently followed. No one went cold as supply kept up to demand; however, without advanced planning, you paid a lot more.

Realgy’s experience goes back to when we set the previous low temperature record. We were prepared for this eventuality, so our customers will pay far less with the use of Realgy’s ManagedPriceTM, storage, and PriceWatchTM.

Any good news?

Groundhogs Day on February 2, 2014 started with a shadow, so we should see 6 more weeks…but we are halfway through winter!

Check out the article in USA Today: “Arctic blasts create record demand for natural gas

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You’ll never hear us whine about the weather

Written by Michael Vrtis, President of Realgy Energy Services in response to the Chicago Tribune articleFeel free to whine over one of the worst Chicago winters in decades

Raised as a Chicagoan, I recall blizzards that closed schools for weeks requiring trains to haul the snow out of the city! Of course my kids then look at me and ask about what covered wagons were like.


We were the Windy City and when the “hawk” was out, you had to bundle up. We were proud of being the city that worked hard and then worked harder when it was below zero.

The last few winters certainly have allowed us to think global warming was eliminating such winters. However, this winter will be the first winter in at least 10 years that will finish with average temperatures below normal for each month of winter (Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, and Mar). During winter, especially winters such as this year, it’s important to be prepared for storms at your home, car, and place of business.

Realgy’s experience goes back to the last time winter weather was this extreme. That is why we have all three services in place; 1) a low ManagedPriceTM or NYMEX+ rate that is consistently below the utilities price, 2) storage gas service that makes possible winter gas use at summer gas prices, and 3) our PriceWatchTM service where our traders recommend fixed prices prior to the season (for 6 of the last 7 years this recommendation has been below the average seasonal price).

Realgy prepares for such storms every season. Our preparation is demonstrated by our consistently lower prices that you can rely on.

And, you’ll never hear us whine about the weather.

Check out the article in The Chicago Tribune: “Feel free to whine over one of the worst Chicago winters in decades

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In Response to “Synthetic natural gas from excess electricity”

Written by Michael Vrtis President of Realgy Energy Services in response to the Science Daily article Synthetic natural gas from excess electricity

The old adage; where there’s a will, there’s a way!

One of the complaints about solar, wind and most renewable energies is that they cannot be efficiently stored.

So, with that problem in mind, the scientists get to work.


Zeolites bind the water produced during methanation of hydrogen, thereby increasing the methane yield from the new process. Image courtesy of Empa

Of course, what is capable in a laboratory isn’t always immediately transferable to the “real world”. But give it time.

Realgy invest in technologies that produce energy today that is cost effective and with the lowest emissions possible. The future holds much promise that we will be able to continue to do that in many ways.


Check out The Science Daily article: Synthetic natural gas from excess electricity


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In Response to “Study: Solar could power more of Iowa’s energy needs”

Written by Michael Vrtis President of Realgy Energy Services in response to the Des Moines Register article Study: Solar could power more of Iowa’s energy needs

Iowa in addition to producing more corn and hogs than they consume could produce more solar energy!


Iowa Outline with

In the article such factors as; declining costs of installing solar along with recognition of the environmental benefits (recognized by tax incentives) are driving such rapid growth and adoption of solar energy.

Realgy in completing 2 new installations now has 4 solar projects in Illinois generating 180,153 kWh producing roughly  0.4 % of the total energy we delivered into COMED for 2013…..while a contribution we clearly are no Iowa!


Check out The Des Moines Register article: Study: Solar could power more of Iowa’s energy needs



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Michigan Electric Utilities keep cap in place

Michigan continues with a 10% cap on electric choice customers enrolling with a marketer.

Michigan customers should encourage their state representatives to open up customer choice for all electric customers not just an artificial few.

2014 Cap Data (MWh)

Electric Utility Final 2014 Cap Current Choice Load
DTE 4,771,485 5,173,206
Consumers 3,633,126 3,978,368
AEP (I&M) 283,505 0
We Energies 249,619 2,084,930
UPPCO 87,947 82,947
WPS 29,188 21,431

Data courtesy of Energy Choice Matters



Energy Choice Matters, Michigan Utilities File Final Choice Caps for 2014, Space Available at 3 Utilities

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In Response to “New Campaign Encourages Michigan Residents to Cut Down on Wasted Energy”

Written by Michael Vrtis, President of Realgy Energy Services in response to the Market Wired articleNew Campaign Encourages Michigan Residents to Cut Down on Wasted Energy

Public service reminders, are normally quite humble. Successful campaigns (forest fire awareness and anti-smoking) began as simple public service notices. Smokey the Bear in now part of our national consciousness and no one likes to be around smokers.

So it could be with energy. The new Michigan campaign seems so simple; energy is a cost than can be mitigated with insulation; use less to heat as leaks are found and eliminated and with more informed purchase plans.

It only takes math to figure it out; spend $100 and save $25 on energy the pay back on the $100 is 4 months.

Realgy offers lower cost ways to buy energy than the utility offers; it only takes math to figure out the savings; talk about NO DRAMA!

Stay warm and do so with math.



Check out the article in Market Wired: “New Campaign Encourages Michigan Residents to Cut Down on Wasted Energy




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