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For all our natural gas and electric customers not currently on a fixed price, Realgy offers ServiceMatchTM as follows:

ServiceMatchTMBuyer has the right to present all written offers to RES that provide pricing and terms for service under the Program. RES will match the proposed terms and pricing from all qualified electric or natural gas service providers. If RES cannot offer better terms or pricing or match the same terms and pricing, RES will transfer Buyer to the new electric or natural gas supplier upon Buyer’s written request at the end of the Term. ServiceMatchTM is not valid when Buyer has a Fixed Price.


Please be aware that ServiceMatchTM is not a new service.

Realgy offers this and other services including but not limited to PriceWatchTM and natural gas storage, to all our eligible customers.

If you have any questions regarding ServiceMatchTM, fixed prices, or the end of your current Term, contact a Realgy Energy Services customer service representative at 860-300-6747.

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The Realgy Energy Saver

Realgy Energy Services has a server room that generates plenty of heat from the hardware housed there. Accordingly, we have to use air conditioners to prevent damage to the hardware. This past winter, Mathew Sudowski, Director of Sales, came up with a way for Realgy Energy Services to recover the heat lost by the air conditioner exhaust from the Realgy server room. This heat recovery helped to increase the efficiency of the furnace. Because the furnace draws in air from the two upper levels as well as the basement where the server room and air conditioner are located, this plan worked perfectly.

Mathew Sudowski, Director of Sales

Mathew Sudowski, Director of Sales

With the help of a local HVAC company, Realgy was able to retrofit the air conditioner exhaust, and reduce the workload of the Realgy office furnace. This retrofit also helped to save the company money over the winter season.

Vent 1

View of the AC exhaust retrofit

To find out how a natural gas furnace works check out this article “How a Natural Gas Furnace Works

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How a Natural Gas Furnace Works

Natural gas forced-air furnaces are by far the most popular method of heating in North America, mainly because they can distribute heated air from a central furnace to every room of the house and they can also be used in conjunction with a central AC unit.

furnace diagram

The basic components of a forced-air system include:

  • An air handler, which may be either a stand-alone blower cabinet used with a heat pump or a forced-air furnace that includes a blower
  • A means of heating air, such as natural gas-fueled burners
  • Ductwork for delivering cold air to the heater via a return
  • Ductwork for sending heated air back to rooms via some vents
  • A thermostat for turning the system on and off

A natural gas furnace reacts to changes in a room’s temperature. When the air temperature in the room drops below the thermostat’s set temperature, it alerts the furnace. Cold air is then drawn from the room’s return through ductwork into the cold air return and through an air filter. The burner ignites to heat the air as it moves through the furnace. The circulating fan helps the warmed air circulate through the ductwork and back into the room via vents. The cycle continues until the set comfort level is reached at which point the thermostat turns the system off until the next time the temperature drops.


Wikipedia, “Furnace
Buzzl, “How does a Gas Furnace Work

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Realgy Energy Services Facebook promotion leads to donation to the Food Bank of Northern Indiana

PRESS RELEASE 18 MARCH 2013 | By: Realgy, LLC

Realgy Energy Services Facebook fans chose to donate to the Food Bank of Northern Indiana

In October 2012, Realgy Energy Services ran a promotion on its Facebook page for fans to decide which charity to donate $1 for every Facebook “Like” during November and December 2012. Among the selected charities was the Food Bank of Northern Indiana, which won by a landslide. “Thanks to our Facebook fans, Realgy will be donating $116 to the Food Bank of Northern Indian, a very deserving charity in our service territory,” says Michael Vrtis, President, “This promotion has not only increased our fan base by 116 likes but will also be making a difference in the lives of those that rely on the Food Bank.”


Picture courtesy of The Food Bank of Northern Indiana

The Food Bank of Northern Indiana has been feeding the hungry since 1993 and working with the community to increase awareness of the effects of hunger. “We appreciate innovative ways businesses and organizations like Realgy Energy Services help us feed the hungry in Northern Indiana,” says Marijo Martinec, Food Bank of Northern Indiana, Director of Community Impact. She added, “Thanks to all the individuals who “Liked” Realgy Energy Services on behalf of the Food Bank!” A donation of just one dollar can provide up to eight meals for those in need.

A group of people who worked for many years with large utilities, energy service companies and energy marketers came together to found Realgy Energy Services in 1999. Within these organizations they saw the limitations of the systems and software and decided they could provide a more efficient service. Today Realgy Energy Services is a retail energy marketer and wholesale energy provider in three deregulated states Michigan, Indiana and Illinois with plans to expand. Realgy has had a perfect record (certified A+) with the Better Business Bureau; since 2003 and has been recognized as an Inc 500 | 5000 company in 2011 and 2012.


A Big thank you to all of our Facebook Fans for helping Realgy Energy Services make this generous donation!

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