Written by Michael Vrtis, President of Realgy Energy Services in response to the Forbes articleNest Gives Google Its Next Big Data Play: Energy

As technology advances, so does everything else.

The thermostat remains a humble device to call for more heating or cooling to occur, but when connected to the Internet, it is transformed into a retail energy service.

nest thermostat

Commercial businesses did this at the meter long ago and continue to do this. Certainly more utilities are moving toward implementing the capabilities of the Internet at the meter. However, Google has the interest and the financial capabilities to at least challenge the utility meter offering, if not win it.

This is a great addition to the ongoing implementation of technology into our every day.

Realgy offers choices that deliver savings. The consumer should understand the better the information, the better the energy choices. Realgy will continue to advocate for open access to any data collection device a customer or utility chooses to install.

Check out the article in Forbes: “Nest Gives Google Its Next Big Data Play: Energy



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