Did you know that May is National Electrical Safety month? To celebrate Realgy Energy Services has compiled a list of the top 10 tips to keep you safe while outdoors.

Electricity can be very dangerous if not used correctly, but sound safety practices can help minimize electrical hazards and cut down the risk of accidents.The more you know about electricity, the safer you will be both at work and home.

10 outdoor electrical safety tips

1. Never use electrical equipment or tools near pools or other wet areas, such as wet grass. Always use extension cords rated for outdoor use.

2. Be aware of and stay at least 10 feet from overhead power lines when carrying and setting up ladders or when using long-handled tools.

3. Call before digging. Call 811 to locate any underground power lines before digging. For more information check out the call 811 website

4. Get help installing antennas if needed. Remember to keep yourself, tools, materials or equipment at least 10 feet away from any overhead power lines.

5. Fly kites and model airplanes in open areas well away from trees and power lines.

6. Inspect all outdoor power tools and electric lawn mowers for frayed power cords, broken plugs and cracked or broken housings. If the cord is damaged, stop using it.

7. Never climb or play in trees that are near or touching power lines.

8. Do not play on or with utility poles, this includes throwing objects, such as sneakers, at or onto electric power lines.

9. Use caution when trimming trees. Before attempting any tree pruning, look for overhead power lines that may be near and/or hidden by the tree foliage. If in doubt hire a professional qualified contractor.

10. Always assume electric lines are live and treat them with caution and respect. Even low-voltage electric lines and cords can be hazardous if damaged or improperly handled.

If you are ever unsure about the safety of electrical wires or another form of electricity either at home or at work contact your local utility. You can find an emergency hotline on most utility invoices if there is not emergency number call the customer service number.


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