Following on the heels of the highest gas bills in 10 years, the utility adds insult to injury with an increase in rates for delivery. Realgy agrees with CUB that the timing of this increase is insensitive at best and discouraging for many struggling with current bills.

money gas

This increase would cover the delivery service and doesn’t even address the coming increase that will be necessary by the utility for this winter’s costs.

Realgy joins CUB in challenging Peoples Gas and North Shore in order to understand the need and the reasons for the proposed increase.

We understand that investments are needed to ensure delivery and maintenance. However this winter has shown that expansion for storage facilities to provide some relief from short-term price increases would be prudent.

Peoples Gas/North Shore operates a regulated monopoly (with no competition) as opposed to your natural gas service competition; therefore the only supervision to what they charge comes from the ICCC and from interested parties (such as CUB, Realgy, and every customer).

Realgy will post messages as this rate increase unfolds and provide help in offering comments to the ICC as they review the rate increase request.

Check out the whole Citizens Utility Board Article “Statement by Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Executive Director David Kolata on the Peoples/North Shore Gas Rate-Hike Request