Retiring coal plants will be replaced with renewables THAT lowers customers energy costs…..outstanding.

Due to a requirement to come into compliance with clean air regulations, mainly to reduce toxic air emissions from combusting coal (such as mercury, dioxins, etc), many coal plant owners have found it more economical to shut them down.

Nine of these plants are located in Michigan and supply about one million customers their power needs.

Replacing this power will come from renewable energy and energy efficiency programs. Reread that statement; renewable energy and a reduction in energy usage. This is due in part to Michigan’s energy policy that encourages renewables and efficiency.

After the coal plants are shut down and renewable energy and efficiency programs are in place the effect; current rates will be reduced by 5-15%.

Michigan can continue to create new jobs in Michigan, increase the use of renewable power and lower all customer energy prices by offering a customer choice program throughout the state instead of just for 10% of businesses.

Competition has been shown to reduce energy costs and provide a more robust energy mix for customers.

Consider that Illinois has documented savings of over $75 Billion since the start of their customer choice program.

Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan and Indiana. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual savings. Additional information:

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