Service will be provided by Realgy, LLC dba Realgy Energy Services located at 675 Oakwood Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06110. Realgy can be contacted during business hours from 8 AM-5PM EST: Toll Free 860-233-2270, directly at 860-233-2270 x1000, or on our website
Realgy’s electric service in Illinois is ManagedPriceTM, a variable price supply that buys on behalf of our customers using a combination of benchmark day ahead and real-time Locational Marginal Price (LMP) and fixed pricing through the ISO (PJM or MISO). In addition, you will be charged any and all market costs including settlement charges, supplier switching charges or supply charges caused by, assessed or collected by your utility or Seller’s electric suppliers that are billed to Realgy for your electric supply. Please refer to contract for additional details including on real-time pricing. Realgy’s supply charge replaces the supply charge from the utility. Price history comparing ManagedPriceTM to the utility supply cost is available on our website or at our toll-free number. Realgy’s pricing, like the utilities, changes monthly.
A fixed monthly charge of $3.75/meter will be added monthly. The fixed charge affects low energy customer’s energy charge as follows. Example of $0.05/kWh monthly energy price. Your total energy charge based on your monthly usage would be: