Illinois Environmental Disclosure Statement
September 19, 2018 Update – April through May* Quarter
Disclosure of this information is required under Section 16-127 of the Electric Customer Choice and Rate Relief and the rules of the Illinois Commerce Commission, 83 Ill Admin. Code Part 421.
Realgy, LLC dba Realgy Energy Services (Realgy) is a certified Alternative Retail Electricity Supplier (ARES) in the State of Illinois. As such, Realgy is required by the Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 and the rules of the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to provide its customers with Environmental Disclosure Information on a quarterly basis. The information contained herein provides a breakdown of the different sources that generated electricity for delivery to our customers through PJM Interconnection (PJM), the regional transmission organization (RTO) for the ComEd service territory, and Midcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (MISO), the RTO for the Ameren Illinois and MidAmerican Energy Company service territories. Realgy procures the vast majority of its wholesale electric supply via markets administered by the aforementioned RTOs. Part I of this statement shows the sources of RTO generation by fuel type over the quarterly reporting period and Part II shows air emissions data.
Detailed information for Parts I and II can be found at the following website links:
MISO (Click on Market Analysis and Reports link and then Monthly Market Assessment Reports link)
Realgy also wholly owns and operates six solar generating installations in the ComEd service territory. The power generated by these installations is behind the meter and used entirely on-site by the facilities where they are located and is generated with zero emissions. A table in Part III of this Statement shows the electricity produced in kWh by these installations over the quarterly reporting period.

Part II: Air Emissions
The average nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide emissions for PJM and MISO are approximate benchmark emission levels for all electricity generation in those regions. Data used to calculate the emission profile came from PJM-EIS and Carbon dioxide is “greenhouse gas” which may contribute to global climate change. Nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere react to form acid rain. Nitrogen oxide also reacts to form ground-level ozone, an unhealthful component of “smog”.