More wind, solar and storage could add up to savings for Midwesterners
Do you want to pay less for energy used to run all your electronics? What’s keeping costs high? Would you believe it’s the use of coal, oil and natural gas?
In the Midwest and Great Lakes area, the cost of electricity could decrease by over $48/year for the average residential customer. How? By eliminating the way electricity is priced at the wholesale level.
When oil, coal and nuclear energy were the primary fuel sources, payments for energy were based on the ability to deliver energy quickly. This meant the large fossil fuel plants had to be kept in a ready-to-generate mode.
Today’s wind and solar energy are kept in a ready state without any fuel costs. So, transferring to wind and solar while not paying fossil fuel plants to stay ready would result in large and sustainable cost reductions.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/2019/10/02/report-more-wind-solar-and-storage-could-add-up-to-savings-for-midwesterners/#gref

The next target in the climate-change debate: your gas stove
History was made when Berkeley, CA banned natural gas systems in new buildings. Now multiple cities cross-country are following suit. The strategy is to move towards a greener energy solution through the electric grid. Renewable energy is increasingly powering the grid with many states planning to become fully reliant on green energy by 2050.
However, opposers say increased usage of gas cuts carbon emissions since it burns cleaner than oil or coal. Improved technologies also limit emissions showing a recent decline in those numbers. Other disputes of the proposal include that many business models would be upended, completely halted or suffer large losses. Either way you look at it, the hope is to improve the environment with the least casualties along the way.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-naturalgas-buildings/the-next-target-in-the-climate-change-debate-your-gas-stove-idUSKCN1VU18Q

The Worst Is Still To Come In Energy Markets
August hasn’t been a great month for the stock market this year. However, energy stocks are taking the largest hit and are the only sector currently in a bearish state. Due to the U.S. – China trade war, crude oil prices lowered and the domino effect into the energy industry is projected to worsen. With the sector trending downward, Ari Wald from Oppenheimer recommended to CNBC to “stay away from energy”.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
Additional Information: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/worst-still-come-energy-markets-230000716.html

Transforming Energy Education In The Digital Age
Advancements within technology have allowed the furthering of knowledge across nearly all topics. However, it is believed that we can greatly increase learning around the energy industry. Data sharing could grow efficiency, improve safety, decrease educational costs and enable many benefits across the board. Starting with our academic system, we can provide education and train students to lead to more opportunities and developments. The potential to affect various sectors of the industry is large and we need to focus on bettering all involved in its entirety.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
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Michigan Line 5 backers ramp up public campaigns
Lake Michigan, Mackinac Straits, and a pipeline.
Environmental issues and awareness are certainly more acute today in 2019 than in 1950. Line 5, which brings Canadian oil to the US, touches upon the need for power and the offsets required to receive that power.
Line 5 carries some 23 million gallons of oil per day to refiners in Michigan and Ohio. The State of Michigan and the pipeline owner Enbridge negotiated a deal with the Governor of Michigan that would allow Line 5 to retire. It would be replaced with a pipeline corridor that could expand the volumes flowing into the US.
The pipeline deal, like all energy projects, is being legally challenged to ensure compliance with all state and federal laws.
The US relies on many energy sources and it will continue to do so. Current awareness of the risks such projects pose (e.g. contamination of 20% of the world’s fresh water) needs to be assessed so that past projects do not continue without examining current risks, technology and alternatives.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 7 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
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