Wind energy proposal may dictate industry’s future in Ohio
Regulation of wind energy in Ohio has been a battle over the past few years. Ohio’s wind energy capacity is one of the lowest in the Midwest and produced one-third of it’s neighboring state, Michigan.
Most new projects have not been approved due to the state requiring locations to be at least a quarter- mile from the nearest property line . While many wind projects are placed on hold, natural gas is being pushed into becoming the dominant energy source with new plants being built or planned.
Supporters of wind are hoping to enact a new plan where counties have the final say on location of turbines.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 6 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
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Illinois Commerce Commission order a victory for solar, advocates say
New goals have been put in place for The Future Energy Jobs Act. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved an order defining aspects that solar advocates were concerned about.
The final order:
-Allows municipal and cooperative customers to participate in the solar renewable energy credit (SREC) program. Management of renewable energy purchases and the sale of SREC’s will be handled by the Illinois Power Agency (IPA).
-Eliminates spot procurements that were to take place in 2018 and 2019. It focuses on prioritizing long- term contracts even if budget constraints prove to be troublesome. To qualify for contract incentives, out-of-state projects will have to meet tighter requirements based on a point system.
-Implements community solar to make it more accessible to residents from all walks of life. Larger subscribers allow a more cost-effective way to build projects since they have more money to spend. The requirements will allow smaller subscribers to have a higher chance of buying into solar projects.
The IPA must monitor the program and make necessary adjustments throughout the growth of this Act. It is important to factor in sustainability over the long term for these projects and it is all part of the process. One thing for sure is that this will help put Illinois on the map as a leader in Solar Development.
Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include Guaranteed SavingsTM, ManagedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM Index, Fixed and PriceAssuranceTM.
Realgy owns and operates 6 solar plants in Illinois and is looking to invest in additional locations.
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DOE EIA Weekly Gas Storage Report
Working gas in storage was 1,538 Bcf as of Friday, May 11, 2018, according to EIA estimates.
This represents a net increase of 106 Bcf from the previous week. Stocks were 821 Bcf less than last year at this time and 501 Bcf below the five-year average of 2,039 Bcf. At 1,538 Bcf, total working gas is within the five-year historical range.
Lake County Fairgrounds & Event center Solar Array expansion
18 May 2018 | By: Realgy, LLC
Lake County Fairgrounds & Event Center, Grayslake, IL has recently incorporated an addition to their solar photovoltaic (PV) system more than doubling the size and efficiency of the current system.
Realgy, LLC has announced the start of usage with the new 99.84 kilowatt (kW) roof installation. Lake County Fairgrounds & Event Center, operated by Lake County Fair Association, is home to many popular events including the historic Lake County Fair. The fair will be celebrating its 90th Anniversary this July with the help of the new solar array. Jon Brodzik Jr, the General Manager of the Lake County Fairgrounds & Event Center, said, “The expansion is more than welcome and we are all looking forward to its usage and the events surrounding it.” The destination’s significant space allowed the capability of higher production to be more than just a day dream. With the help of Eco Solar Solutions, the goal to expand has been made a reality.
Eco Solar Solutions completed the new addition. “This project will provide great environmental benefits to the local community, and we’re ecstatic to have been part of the team to make this happen. We will be maintaining this system for the next 20 years to make sure that it continues to operate,” said Paul Szczesny, President of Eco Solar Solutions.
Realgy, LLC is a choice energy supplier in Illinois and selected LCF for both the initial and expanded project. Lake County will receive all solar energy produced by the panels. With its popular events comes high consumption that leads to environmental disadvantages. Renewable energy sources such as PV arrays help to combat those issues. This expansion will save LCF approximately $12,000 each year while improving the environment and safety in the area as follows:
- The Lake County solar PV system will produce over 121,324 kW hours (kWh) or enough power to supply about 11 average Illinois homes every year for the next 25 years.
- Some environmental and safety benefits associated with this array’s solar energy production:
- Over 84 thousand pounds of carbon dioxide WILL NOT be produced over the initial 25 years of operation.
- The level of offset emissions is equal to planting over 6,500 trees.
- Over 327 thousand pounds of coal would be necessary to produce the same amount of electricity.
- Reduction of 328 half- ton trucks used to transport that coal annually means less trucks on the road and less pollution from those trucks.
“We are happy to be partnered with Lake County on such a great endeavor,” said Michael Vrtis, President of Realgy. “Realgy is pleased with the extension of this project and the boundless support of the municipality. We look forward to everyone coming together with us for this Solarbration.”
Please join us at the Lake County Fairgrounds on May 18th, 2018 at 1 PM for this celebration.
Media Contacts:
Sue Markgraf
GreenMark Public Relations
Lake County Fairgrounds & Event Center
1060 East Peterson Road
Grayslake, Illinois 60030
Eco Solar Solutions
Realgy, LLC
675 Oakwood Avenue
West Hartford, CT
DOE EIA Weekly Gas Storage Report
Working gas in storage was 1,432 Bcf as of Friday, May 4, 2018, according to EIA estimates.
This represents a net increase of 89 Bcf from the previous week. Stocks were 863 Bcf less than last year at this time and 520 Bcf below the five-year average of 1,952 Bcf. At 1,432 Bcf, total working gas is within the five-year historical range.
DOE EIA Weekly Gas Storage Report
Working gas in storage was 1,343 Bcf as of Friday, April 27, 2018, according to EIA estimates.
This represents a net increase of 62 Bcf from the previous week. Stocks were 903 Bcf less than last year at this time and 534 Bcf below the five-year average of 1,877 Bcf. At 1,343 Bcf, total working gas is within the five-year historical range.