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In Response to “IBM’s Battery 500 Project”

Written by Michael Vrtis President of Realgy Energy Services in response to “IBM’s Battery 500 project”

The known amount of natural gas in the US has increased over the last 5 years to the point that it now represents over 20% of all the US’s energy reserves (remember some call the US the Saudi Arabia of coal). The natural gas recoverable by the use of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is a game changer for the US.

Map of Shale Gas in the US courtesy of US EIA (July 2011)

There is discussion among business leaders (not politicians) that the conversion to natural gas vehicles and investment in natural gas distribution could reduce oil imports over 60% within 5 years! This is not a political aspiration it’s business.

How has the electric energy industry responded?

Well electricity and natural gas have always been competitors through technology.  Natural gas heating applications have been constantly targeted by electric heating. Electric motors have been challenged by natural gas driven engines. Large electric driven air conditioning systems have competed with natural gas driven absorption technology.

So given that natural gas resources (from fracking) has allowed natural gas to truly challenge gasoline as a transportation fuel I am not surprised that an electric option will not be far behind!

Let’s keep competing.

Huffington Post, Tech “EV’s Holy Grail: 500 Miles on a Single Charge”

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2012 Energy Star Tax Credits

For the year 2012, the Federal Government is offering a tax credit for the purchase of geothermal heat pumps, small residential wind turbines, and solar energy systems including solar water heaters.

This tax credit will expire on December 31, 2016, and will cover thirty percent of the cost with no limit. The only restriction is that the products purchased must be for an existing or new construction home that is a main residence or second home, and unfortunately rental properties do not count.

Although Energy Star qualified products may cost more initially than a standard model in the long run they will result in lower energy bills. The savings from these energy-efficient products can add up to thousands of dollars over the life of the unit.

Check out the Energy Star website to learn more about the Energy Star tax credits for 2012

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So what exactly is Natural Gas Storage?

Natural gas as you know or may not know is a colorless, odorless gas that can be stored in a number of different ways for an indefinite period of time. Natural gas that is transported through the pipelines is not always needed right away, and is put into storage for later use. Most natural gas in the United States is stored in depleted natural gas or oil fields underground. These underground storage fields take advantage of existing wells, gathering systems and pipeline connections. Natural Aquifers, Salt caverns and abandoned mines are also used to store natural gas.

Types of Underground Natural Gas Storage Facilities

The demand for natural gas is normally higher in the winter than in the summer. This is mostly due to the fact that most homes and organizations use natural gas for heating in the winter. The stored natural gas delivered during the summer months normally at a lower price again due to supply and demand, is ready and available for use during the increased demand of the winter months. The natural gas in storage can also be used as insurance against natural disasters or other unforeseen accidents which may affect the production or delivery of natural gas.

Before 1992 natural gas was a regulated commodity and storage was required for the operational requirements of the pipelines to meet the needs of the utilities. In 1992 the Federal Regulatory Commission introduced Order 636 which opened up the natural gas market to deregulation. What Order 636 did was make storage available to industry participants for commercial reason. For example Realgy Energy Services Storage program which stores gas when prices are low, and withdraws it when prices are high.

Underground Natural Gas Storage Facilities in the Lower 48 States

Most utilities and industry participants pocket the savings from storing gas at a lower rate and sell it at an increased rate for a profit. What makes Realgy Energy Services Storage program unique is that the savings from stored gas is always passed along to our customers.

Realgy Energy Services offers the Summer Storage Program to our customers to help offset the cost of winter natural gas usage. Under the program customers put away 20% of their historic usage into storage at the lower summer rates to be used in the winter when the price of natural gas normally increases.

If you would like more information on The Realgy Energy Services Storage Program you can contact one of our Energy Brokers at (877) 300-6747 or check out our website


U.S Energy Information Administration The Basics of Underground Natural Gas Storage

NaturalGas.Org Storage of Natural Gas

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Spring Cleaning Tips to Increase Energy Efficiency

Spring cleaning usually involves making sure all the nooks and crannies are clean after the long winter months. This year why not use these helpful tips to increase the energy efficiency of your home or office. Not only will your energy usage decrease so will your energy bills!

Refrigerators account for up to eleven percent of the total energy used, which has a major impact on your energy bill. Make sure you clean the condenser coils to ensure that air can circulate freely, if dust builds up clogging the coils the motor must work harder and use more electricity. You should also check the door seals to ensure they are air tight. You can do this by placing a piece of paper in-between the door, if you can pull it out without difficulty you may need to adjust the latch or consider replacing the seals.

Don’t forget about your Air conditioner call to schedule a checkup to make sure it is operating at peak efficiency. If you have central air conditioning, keep your thermostat at 78 degrees. You can save approximately six to seven percent off your cooling costs for each degree above 78. If you are in the market to replace your old central air conditioner, make sure to look for a new ENERGY STAR qualified model. These energy-efficient models can reduce your cooling costs by 20 percent.

If you do not have an AC, proper ventilation of your home or office can provide the same level of comfort at a much lower cost. A whole house ventilation system will draw cool air through the house. Ceiling fans are another option to create a cool breeze and keep the air circulating in your home, ensure that all fans are working properly and are dust-free.

Last but not least, if your home or office has a sliding glass door, make sure to keep its track clean. A dirty track can ruin the door’s seal, resulting in gaps where cold air can escape.

Now that your home and or office is clean and energy-efficient, why not save even more money by checking out Realgy Energy Services low monthly rates on Natural Gas and Electricity. Our customers have saved upwards of 19% on their energy costs over a twelve month period as compared to their local utility. Check out our website, or call one of our Energy Brokers at (877) 300-6747 to learn how you can save on your energy usage.

U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, “Energy Savers Tips on Saving Money & Energy at Home”

Home Energy Team, “Energy Efficient Solutions

Money Crashers “House Spring Cleaning Tips & Checklist – How to Spring Clean

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Does your Utility offer Energy Incentives?

Most Utilities offer energy incentives and rebates to their customers for making efficient upgrades in their lives. This could mean purchasing new energy-efficient products, making energy-efficient home improvements, or even recycling old appliances, such as refrigerators, which could be costing you an extra $150 a year.

Some utilities, like ComEd in Illinois, offer refrigerator and freezer recycling to their residential customers. ComEd will give you $50 for each working unit, and the best part is that they will pick up for free.

Consumers Energy in Michigan offers a wide range of rebates and incentives to both Commercial and Residential customers. This includes rebates for the purchase for CFL or LED lights, water heaters and Energy Star appliances. Just be sure to fill out the correct rebate forms, which are all available on the Consumers Energy website.

The State of Indiana has even created a multi-utility energy efficiency initiative called Energizing Indiana. The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, participating Indiana utilities and consumer organizations, have created Energizing Indiana to bring savings to Indiana residents. Some of the programs offered by Energizing Indiana include instant savings on CFL bulbs, free in-home energy audits and energy efficiency education.

Citizens Gas in Indiana offers rebates to existing customers for purchasing efficient natural gas furnaces, water heaters boilers and programmable thermostats. Citizens Gas is also offering rebates to customers who convert their old furnace or water heater to natural gas. For a natural gas water heater conversion they are offering $400. The rebate form is also available on their website.

Michigan Gas Utilities and SEMCO are among a handful of Utilities in Michigan that have partnered with the Michigan Public Service Commission to create Energy United. Energy United provides rebates and programs to help local residents reduce their energy use and achieve cost savings. Programs include Residential HVAC rebates, online home energy audits and low-income energy efficiency assistance, to name just a few.

These are just a few utilities and organizations that offer incentives and rebates for creating energy-efficient homes and businesses. Be sure to check your local utility website for more information on programs they may offer.

Learn more about Rebates and Incentives Programs

ComEd Rebates and Incentives

Consumers Energy Rebates and Incentives

Citizens Gas Rebates and Incentives

Energizing Indiana

Efficiency United

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Natural Gas Storage Season is here

Realgy Energy Services Natural Gas Storage Program is just one more way we help our customers save money on their energy usage.

Natural Gas Storage is the service of purchasing a percentage of your annual gas usage during the summer months and storing it. This stored gas is then delivered to you during the winter months. That is why we call it “winter gas at summer prices.”

Natural Gas Storage injections begin in April and run through October. As part of our customer Benefits Realgy Energy Services purchases approximately 20% of your annual Natural Gas usage during the months of April, May, June, July, August, September and October. For each of these seven months we will buy approximately 2.85% more gas than you use, at the low spring and summer variable rates.

Then during the 5 winter months of November, December, January, February, and March, this stored Natural Gas will be withdrawn and delivered to you. Since you have already purchased this Natural Gas, you will see an even greater savings during the winter months.

Realgy offers this storage program whenever we can. If your Utility allows Realgy to offer a storage program, it will be listed in our Service Plan table on our website, or you can contact customer service at 877-300-6747.

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