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PriceWatch™ and Natural Gas Storage Season

It is that time of the year when Realgy Energy Services starts to send out our PriceWatch™ emails; look for it in your email anytime from October to November. Supplies of natural gas in storage begin to be applied to your monthly natural gas usage starting November 1st.

PriceWatch™ monitors the natural gas market to pin-point the most advantageous time for our natural gas customers to lock in a rate for the winter heating months.

Realgy will only send out a PriceWatch™ email if we can lock our customers in at a rate that will save them money. If you would like more information on PriceWatch™, please visit our blog post What is PriceWatch™?

Natural Gas Storage is the service of purchasing a percentage of your annual gas usage during the summer months and storing it. This stored gas is then delivered to you during the winter months. That is why we call it “winter gas at summer prices.”

Realgy offers this storage program whenever we can. If your utility allows Realgy to offer a storage program, it will be listed in our Service Plan table on our website

For more information on the Natural Gas Storage program please visit our blog posts: Natural Gas Storage Season is Here and So What Exactly is Natural Gas Storage

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact a Realgy Energy Services Customer Service Representative by phone (877)-300-6747, by email, by fax (860)-233 -3884, or by mail 675 Oakwood Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06110.

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Realgy has Exceeded the Agreements of the Small Businesses Express Program Eight Months Early

PRESS RELEASE 12 september 2012 | By: Realgy, LLC

Back in May 2012 Gov. Malloy announced Realgy Energy Services as one of five Connecticut small businesses that had qualified for assistance through the state’s Small Business Express Program (EXP).

Today the President of Realgy Energy Services Michael Vrtis has announced that the West Hartford Company successfully exceeded the requirements eight months early. “Realgy has exceeded the agreements of the Small Business Express Program,” said Vrtis, “We have hired nine new employees as of August 2012 which far exceeds the original seven outlined in the agreement.”

Excerpt from the May 2012 CT Press Release “[Realgy] will retain 13 employees, and hire 7 new positions in the areas of customer service, energy brokerage, and information technology”

A grant of $59,500 was awarded to Realgy as part of the Small Business Express Program, combined with company funds of $309,800, to invest in employee training, computer equipment and software, marketing and contractual services.

Realgy Energy Services was founded in 1999 by individuals who worked for many years with large utilities, energy service companies and energy marketers. Within these organizations they saw the limitations of the systems and software. Today Realgy Energy Services is a retail energy marketer and wholesale energy provider in three deregulated states Michigan, Indiana and Illinois with plans to expand. Realgy has had a perfect record (certified A+) with the Better Business Bureau; since 2003 and has been recognized as an Inc 500 | 5000 company in 2011 and 2012

Realgy, LLC
Michael Vrtis
675 Oakwood Avenue
West Hartford, CT
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Realgy Energy Services is now a BP Preferred Energy Supplier


PRESS RELEASE 1 September 2012 | By: Realgy, LLC

British Petroleum (BP) will be the primary supply of Realgy Energy Services natural gas and electricity.

The president of Realgy, Michael Vrtis and the VP of Operations Doug Gugino, have announced that Realgy Energy Services has become a BP preferred supplier. This means that BP will become Realgy’s primary supplier of natural gas and electricity allowing Realgy to expand their pricing offers for existing and new customers. Entry into new markets will also be accelerated to better serve customers.

“Doug and I are very pleased to announce that Realgy has become a preferred supplier with BP,” said Vrtis “Becoming a preferred supplier to BP allows Realgy to join a very limited group. This offer was only made possible due to the work laid down in establishing Realgy, and will only be maintained by the decisions we make every day in providing service for our customers.”

BP is an international company with many subsidiaries, Realgy works closely with BP North America and BP Canada. BP is one of the world’s leading international oil and gas companies, providing fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemical products for everyday items.

Realgy, LLC DBA Realgy Energy Services was founded in 1999 by individuals who worked for many years with large utilities, energy service companies and energy marketers. Within these organizations they saw the limitations of the systems and software. Today Realgy Energy Services is an energy supplier in three deregulated states Michigan, Indiana and Illinois with plans to expand.

Realgy, LLC
Michael Vrtis
675 Oakwood Avenue
West Hartford, CT


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Three ComEd smart Meters have caught fire

The Illinois Utility Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) announced Thursday that three of their new digital smart meters overheated causing fires in customer’s homes. The fires damaged metering equipment and the “immediate area around the meter,” ComEd said, adding that tests showed the smart meter design was not the cause of the problem.

“The cause was related to fitting and connection issues with an older-model socket that had a poor connection at the point where the customer’s wires and ComEd’s wires meet,” ComEd said in a statement.

Smart meters allow for communication between utility and meter. They can record and send temperature data, and alert the utility when outages occur.

Smart meters were installed by ComEd in 130,000 homes in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood and 10 western suburbs as part of a pilot program approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission in 2009.

To Learn more about smart meters check out the ComEd website

Find the whole story here


Chicago Sun-Times, Comed says three smart meters have caught fire

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Inc. Magazine has Unveiled Its Annual Exclusive List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies – The Inc.500|5000

PRESS RELEASE August 28, 2012 | By: Realgy, LLC

Realgy Energy Services Ranks No. 180 on the 2012 Inc. 500|5000

Inc. magazine has ranked Realgy Energy Services No. 180 on its sixth annual Inc. 500|5000, an exclusive ranking of the fastest growing private companies. This list represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy – American’s independent entrepreneurs. Realgy joins Yelp, yogurt maker Chobani,, KIND and famed hat maker Tilly’s, among other prominent brands featured on this year’s list.

“I am honored to see Realgy featured on the Inc. 500|5000 list for the second year.” says Michael Vrtis, President, “I would like to thank our vendors for allowing us to focus on our customers, the state of Connecticut for promoting small businesses and our employees for helping us to provide excellence in energy marketing.”

In a stagnant economic environment, median growth rate of 2012 Inc. 500|5000 companies remains an impressive 97 percent. Over the past three years Realgy has grown 1,919%, and is ranked 11th out of 103 companies in the energy industry. The companies on this year’s list report having created over 400,000 jobs in the past three years, and aggregate revenue among the honorees reached $299 billion. By comparison Realgy has created eight full time positions in Connecticut in the last six months, and had revenue of $32.3 Million in 2011.

Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found at

“Now, more than ever, we depend on Inc. 500/5000 companies to spur innovation, provide jobs, and drive the economy forward.  Growth companies, not large corporations, are where the action is,” says Inc. Editor Eric Schurenberg.

Realgy, LLC DBA Realgy Energy Services was founded in 1999 by individuals who worked for many years with large utilities, energy service companies and energy marketers. Within these organizations they saw the limitations of the systems and software. Today Realgy Energy Services is an energy supplier in three deregulated states Michigan, Indiana and Illinois with plans to expand.

Realgy, LLC
Michael Vrtis
675 Oakwood Avenue
West Hartford, CT
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The power has already gone out a few times this summer, were you prepared?

Here are 10 power outage tips from Realgy Energy Services to help you prepare for the next time the lights go out.

1.    If you lose power, report the outage to your local utility

Many utility’s now have mobile apps that you can use to report your outage.

2.      Stay away from downed power lines and call 911 to report them

Always assume electric lines are live and treat them with caution and respect. Even low-voltage electric lines and cords can be hazardous if damaged or improperly handled.

3.      Set your refrigerator and freezer to their coldest settings before the storm hits

Be sure to return the settings to their normal position as soon as electricity has been restored.

Use Ice to keep your perishable food cold

4.      Get extra ice to help maintain the temperatures in your freezer and refrigerator during the outage

Use plastic bags filled with ice (or water, if you have enough time to freeze it) in the freezer. Use block ice, if possible, in the refrigerator. And should the ice melt, you can drink the water.

5.      Set aside water

Sanitize and fill spare containers with water for drinking. Fill your bathtub with water for use in the toilet. A bucket of water poured in the toilet bowl is all that’s needed for flushing.

6.      Be prepared to cook outside

It is possible that your stove will not work, so you may wish to use your backyard grill for cooking. Do not use your grill indoors, without proper ventilation it can be deadly.

7.      Stock up on batteries and easy-to-prepare food

Don’t forget flashlights (one for each person in your family), batteries and a manual can opener.

8.      Unplug sensitive equipment

Voltage irregularities can occur for any number of reasons during or after a storm, especially if there has been damage on or near your home. Unplug any sensitive electrical devices such as your television, DVD Player, stereo, microwave, computer, iPod, answering machine, and garage door opener to name just a few.

9.      Fill your car’s gas tank

It is important to fill your tank before a storm, since gas stations may not be operating during an outage.

Example of a “Lights out” kit

10.  Prepare a “lights out” kit

Your kit should contain a flashlight, battery-operated radio, fresh water, prescription medicine, prepared foods and any other items you may need when the lights go out. It’s also a good idea to have some extra cash on hand and to fully charge your mobile phone.

Before the power goes out again make sure you are prepared!


American Red Cross, Power Outage Checklist

FDA, Power Outages: Key Tips for Consumers About Food Safety


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