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EIA Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report

Working gas in storage was 3,099 Bcf as of Friday, August 21, 2015, according to EIA estimates. This represents a net increase of 69 Bcf from the previous week. Stocks were 480 Bcf higher than last year at this time and 88 Bcf above the 5-year average of 3,011 Bcf.

EIA estimate 58-62 Bcf
Actual 69

A consensus of analysts surveyed by Platts expects the US Energy Information Administration on Thursday will estimate a natural gas storage injection of between 58 Bcf and 62 Bcf for the reporting week that ended August 21. An injection within expectations would be less than the 77-Bcf injection reported at this time in 2014 and similar to the 61-Bcf five-year average injection, according to EIA data. The wider range of analysts’ expectations for this week was for an injection of 47 Bcf to 67 Bcf. “US demand rose modestly from the previous week and averaged just above 64.5 Bcf/d during the week,” said Bentek Energy, an analytics and forecasting unit of Platts. “However, this did not translate to lower injection activity, as Bentek’s sample injections increased within both the East and Producing regions compared to the previous week.”

08 27 15


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Support State Rep Gary Glenn on his energy policy


Realgy Supports State Rep. Gary Glenn position on Michigan Energy Policy

Glenn is the majority vice chair of the House Energy Policy Committee who observers say has taken a strong interest in energy issues this session. His current positions that Realgy support include:

  • Lift the current 1 percent cap on net metering for solar projects (the opposite direction Senate Republicans are headed)
  • Restructure the 10 percent limit on customers who can participate in Retail Open Access that would allow customers to choose an alternative energy supplier if it is for renewable energy.

We hope Representative Glenn, continues his interest towards energy matters including expanding customer choice beyond the 10% cap to allow Customer Choice for all customers and not just a few.

Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan and Indiana. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include; Guaranteed SavingsTM, MangedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM and Index, Fixed pricing.

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DC Regulators reject Exelon; no public benefit


A public utility actions (expenses) must benefit the public; simple right but so often this is not the focus of the utility executives or the regulators.

Reviewing the cost vs. benefits the regulators in Washington, DC rejected Exelon’s bid for BGE citing that Exelon’s takeover did not demonstrate benefits to its customers. Bravo!

As previously cited, there is little reason for a public utility to acquire another utility, especially one that does not share a border.

Putting the focus on customer benefits verse stockholders the DC regulators did their job. Applause.


Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan and Indiana. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include; Guaranteed SavingsTM, MangedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM and Index, Fixed pricing.

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Communications take effort, does yours?


6 Common Communication Mistakes that You May be Making   by Ann Meacham

Communication can make or break our world. Bad communication leads to broken relationships: with the people who work for you, with you, your clients or customers, your family, your at-large community.

6 Common Communication Mistakes that you might be making:

1.  Not using “we” language.

Newsflash: Relationships are not a competition. Or at least they shouldn’t be. When you start to think in terms of “me” and “you”, it’s time re-frame the conversation and think of yourselves as a team. Work to solve a problem, not to be victorious.

 2.  Not giving eye contact.

When people are not looking at you when you talk, how does that make you feel? Not good. Right? So try living by the golden rule and give other people the same courtesy that you want to be given.

  3.  Interrupting.

What does it say to someone when you interrupt them? It says, “What I have to say is more important than what you have to say.” This can be a result of excitement or a desire for power. Either way, it still says, “I’m more important than you.”

 4.  Making assumptions before you hear the whole message.

You have probably had the thought, “Oh I don’t even have to hear the rest of this – I already know what they’re going to say!” Well, maybe you do, and maybe you don’t. Don’t do that. We don’t like when people make assumptions about what we are saying, so don’t do that to other people either.

 5.  Not asking probing questions of other people.

Saying things like, “Tell me more about that”  or “So how did that make you feel?” lets the other person know that you care about them enough to ask for more information. That’s called a probing question. Ask people to elaborate. It makes them feel good and shows that you’re interested. (Always open-ended questions.  Never ask “why.”

 6.  Needing to “win” an argument.

I repeat… Relationships are not a competition. Admitting that you’re wrong is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of maturity. No one is right all of the time. Don’t think you have to “win.” Acknowledging your mistakes will not give away your power. It shows that you are the better person because you can be honest.

Being a good communicator takes effort. It’s like being a good athlete – you have to practice if you want to be good at your craft!

Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan and Indiana. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings. Service Plans include; Guaranteed SavingsTM, MangedPriceTM, ManagedGreenTM and Index, Fixed pricing.

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Is DTE afraid of competition?


Michigan utilities lobbied hard to reduce the Michigan Customer Choice program to no more than 10%. That is; only 10% of Michigan customers can chose an energy supplier (all customers still get energy delivered by the utility). The result; those that are in the 10% are enjoying savings compared to their utility. One example in Michigan, 400 public schools saved over $40 MILLION last year. On average, states without competition through energy choice pay 25% more than states with customer choice.

Examples of two different states: one with customer choice and one without:

In Illinois (with customer choice), competition saved over $37 BILLION:

In Indiana (without customer choice), ranking on lowest states for electricity costs went from 5th lowest in the Nation in 2003 to 26th in 2014 (electric rates went up)!

So why not expand Customer Choice for 100% of customers? According to DTE their reasons are:

  1. There will be a shortage of energy supply
  2. We do it in Ohio and elsewhere and that different

These reasons are throwback to the 1950s. DTE is not responsible for energy supply in the state this ended long ago. A larger regional entity called MISO is. DTE supports customer choice in Ohio and elsewhere. The apparent reason Michigan does not having a robust customer choice market; incumbent utilities donate/lobby legislators that in turn support the utilities.

Realgy supports customer choice for energy. Our experience has demonstrated that it saves consumers time and money in energy use and decisions.

Realgy Energy Services is a registered Retail Energy Marketer in the states of Illinois, Michigan and Indiana. We offer Service Plans that will provide electric and natural gas at wholesale pricing direct to customers without any utility markup. Our Service Plans work with the local utility to provide seamless service and annual energy savings.

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